Wednesday, June 9, 2010

seduction of the sprinkler

"Come take a look at this," my husband beckoned over the fence.
I happily dropped my weeding gloves and trotted along behind him.

Our boys had discovered the sprinklers in our backyard. Our eldest, a four year old, was busy filling little buckets from the sprinkler heads and dumping them on his head. "Mom, look at me," he shouted! Yep, look at you, I sighed.

But our youngest was discovering sprinklers for the first time in his life. Having learned to walk only a few months ago, our confident little one year old was playing a game of tease at the edge of the sprinkler. He would venture in a few feet, let the mist brush at his legs and would turn toddling the opposite direction. A screeching laugh announced his retreat.

His boldness grew by the second and by the time the first set of sprinklers turned off and the second set popped up, he was standing in the middle of the spraying water letting it douse every inch of his chubby little body.

After much cajoling, the boys finally made their way back into the house. They were dripping and shivering, but their smiles didn't fade. I hope they will remember this evening. I hope it cements itself deep into their little minds and is there to be remembered anytime they happen to consider their childhood days. This is stuff of really good memories!

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