Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The inverse of a short spring

is a long winter. And, it has been a very long winter. Snow fell early in September this last fall and seemed to keep falling everyday since. Even yesterday, I spotted snowflakes on my windshield as I drove home. Did I mention that it is May?

A long winter can be both bad and good.

Winter can be calming. People stay indoors. Life moves slowly. A long winter allows for rest and recuperation.

Yet, winter must end. And when it doesn't seem to want to, people stop resting and become restless. I long to be outdoors as I stare impatiently out my windows. I am no longer calm, but frustrated and tired of waiting.

It has been a long winter and I am weary. And frustrated. And restless. My life needs to move forward. I need to experience something new. I need to be renewed. I need to feel spring.

So, my dear winter, your time has come. I am asking you to move on. Please make way for warmth. Allow the earth to breathe. Allow me to do the same.